Dog Adoption Application

Please fill out the form COMPLETELY. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Thank you!

Fields marked with an * are required
For whom are you adopting this dog?
Why do you wish to adopt a puppy/dog?
What type of dog do you wish to adopt?
What gender dog do you wish to adopt?
What age dog do you wish to adopt?
How many years have you lived at your current address?
If you rent, are you allowed to have a dog?
Type of residence? *
Do you plan on moving soon (in less than 1 year)?

List all people living in your home, include all children. 

Does anyone in the household have allergies to dogs?
Are you willing and able to accept the cost of this dog's care and medical needs for the remainder of its life? (i.e., medical expenses, vaccines, food, accessories, etc.)?

List the pets you currently own below. (if you currently have no pets, leave blank) Please list whether each pet you own is a dog/cat/other, gender of pet, breed(s), whether they are spayed/neutered, age of pet, kept inside or out.

Are your current pets up to date on their vaccinations?
Have they been spayed/neutered?
If you have another dog(s), are they socialized and friendly with other animals?
Do you already have a veterinarian for the dog you wish to adopt?
Have you owned a pet in the last ten years?

If yes, list all past pet(s) you have owned in the last ten years and why you no longer have them (i.e., died of old age, euthanized, hit by car, breed, age of pet, etc.) If you haven't owned a pet in the last ten years, leave blank.

Do you have a fully fenced yard?
Where will this dog spend the majority of its time?
Where will this dog be when you are at work?
How many hours are you away from home each day?
Who will care for your dog when you go on vacation?

How did you find us?

Do you have a Facebook page?
I understand that a dog adopted from a rescue may take more time to form a bond, may display fearful behavior initially, and may take time to gain trust and adjust to its new surroundings and family? Do you understand that a dog adopted from a rescue may need more time and attention initially to help overcome trauma it may have endured in its past? *
I understand that Yakima Valley Pet Rescue and Adoption Center is not responsible for the accuracy of information received about temperament or habits of puppies and dogs available for adoption. I understand completely that it is my responsibility to evaluate the dog for myself before agreeing to adopt it. Yakima Valley Pet Rescue is in no way liable or responsible for any damage, accident or injury resulting from the placement of a dog into my household. *
I understand that Yakima Valley Pet Rescue and Adoption Center reserves the right to refuse to adopt any dogs to applicants we feel would not be in the best interest of the animal. We also reserve the right to refuse any adoption, without justification, and not all applications or inquiries may receive a response. *
I understand that it is crucial for adoptees to pick up their dog (if your application has been approved) in a timely manner, as we need to free up our foster home space to take in more homeless pets. *
I understand that the Yakima Valley Pet Rescue and Adoption Center is composed entirely of volunteers and that although they do their best to respond to adoption applications in a timely manner, that they are human and are doing the best they can for the animals with the resources they have and I promise to be patient, understanding, and nice to them. *

By clicking the Submit button below I acknowledge that all of the information I have given above is true and complete.

If the application does not submit, please scroll up to check for missing data. 

If the form does not submit, please scroll up and look for missing data.